Associate Chair
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of Toledo
Teaching (photos):
Spring 2023: Differential Geometry II (PhD level)Past teaching experiences:
Intro to Mathematical Analysis,
Abstract Algebra,
Numerical Methods and Linear Algebra,
Foundations of Algebra,
Linear Algebra,
Calculus 1,2,3,
Elementary ODEs,
Elementary ODEs with integrated MAPLE labs (own development),
PDEs with integrated MAPLE labs (own development).
Intro to Supergeometry,
Differential Geometry I and II,
Algebraic Methods For Linear Partial Differential Operators (own development),
Complex Variables (undegraduate/masters),
Introduction to Topology I and II (undegraduate/masters),
Topology I and II (PhD level)
Research: list of my publications
Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical Physics, Computational MathematicsSupergeometry. Algebraic theory of differential operators. Cluster algebras.
Funding: see here
I am a member of Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis group
For students, graduate and undergraduate:
for current/prospective research students ,student seminar and mathclub.
In years 2018-2022, I have been the chair of the colloquium committee. Some fun photos
Editor :
Associate Editor of "Maple Transactions", the computer-assisted research in mathematics section.Conference organization, see more here :
- Program committee member, CASC'22 (Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing), Gebze Technical University, Turkey, August 22-26, 2022.
- A co-organizer of Workshop "Supergeometry and bracket structures in mathematics and physics", the Fields Institute, Canada. Organizers: Ekaterina Shemyakova, Alexander Odesski, Theodore Voronov, March 21-25, 2022.
- Tutorial chair, ISSAC 2021 (the premier conference for research in symbolic computation and computer algebra, started in 1966 and has been held annually since 1981 all over the globe). Saint Petersburg, Russia,
July 2021.
- Special session organizer with Theodore Voronov, Supergeometry, Poisson Brackets, and Homotopy Structures , AMS meeting at Wisconsin-Madison, 9/2019
- Special session organizer with Alessandro Arsie and Chunhua Shan, Advances of Analytical and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations, AMS meeting at Ann Arbor, 10/2018
- NSF panel 2017