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Metroid, Zero Mission, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, MP: Hunters TM 1986 - 2005 Nintendo.

All other copyrighted materials belong to their respectful owners. This site is not affiliated with Nintendo or Retro Studios, but that doesn't mean to say that they don't love SCU.

Wallcrawling Terminology

For the sake of saving sanity, I have included a nifty little terminology guide which I hope you find useful and will clear up several e-mails which I otherwise would have received.

3BJ - Three bomb jump. This is a jump where you use three bombs to propel you upwards in one fell swoop. For more information on this technique, check here: 3BJ

Boundaries - the actual outline of a room, basically wherever your power beam smacks into is a boundary

CAW - Crossway Access West of the Chozo Ruins

Dash Jump - The act of using a scan point or enemy to propel yourself a very great distance. For more information and practise, check here: Space Jump First

Door-Jump - The act of jumping off of a door in a secret world state in order to secretize a particular room.

Door-Jump Dump - The act of jumping off of a door from a secret world state in order to dump a particular room.

Door-Rolling - The act of using the morph ball and rolling off of a door from in a Secret World in an attempt to dump or secretize a particular room.

Door Warping - The act of moving from a Secret World to landing back inside the programmed terrain. This is accomplished by standing right in front of a door in a SW and then shooting it and having the room load around you.

Dump(ing) - The act of causing a room to disappear and unload from the game while in a Secret World.

EC - Energy Core in the Chozo Ruins

EHA - Elder Hall Access of the Chozo Ruins

Floating - Using the mechanics of a Secret World to, by default, slowly push yourself upwards.

Ghetto Jump - The act of using a wall or boundary to increase the amount of height you can get on a jump. For more information, check here: Ghetto Jumps

HOTE - Hall of the Elders of the Chozo Ruins

IRE - Ice Ruins East of the Phendrana Drifts

IRW - Ice Ruins West of the Phendrana Drifts

L-lock jump - the act of using the L button to gain a few extra inches on your jumps. For more information on this technique, check here: L-Lock Space Jumps

NTSC - The North American version of a video game is given the "NTSC" version title.

PAL - The European, Japanese, Australian versions are given the "PAL" version title.

RS - Ruined Shrine in the Chozo Ruins

RSA - Ruined Shrine Access in the Chozo Ruins

Secret Rooms - a room which has been partially loaded. It has no visible graphics but its boundaries are defined.

SJ - Space jump. Press B and then B in mid-air to perform the space jump.

Skywalking - using the highest portion of a Secret World to freely traverse around a room.

Standard - The term I use to explain the height to which Samus will fall at any given area of a Secret World. Different areas have different standards to which Samus will fall below the terrain.

TBJ - Triple bomb jump. For more information on this technique, check here: Bomb Jumping

TC - Training Chamber in the Chozo Ruins

TOL - Tower of Light in the Chozo Ruins

Wallcrawling - The process of moving around and moving from room to room in a Secret World.

WFA - West Furnace Access in the Chozo Ruins

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This site's code, layout, text, and unique movies are the sole copyright of's owner Andrew Mills (2005)
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