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Metroid, Zero Mission, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, MP: Hunters TM 1986 - 2005 Nintendo.

All other copyrighted materials belong to their respectful owners. This site is not affiliated with Nintendo or Retro Studios, but that doesn't mean to say that they don't love SCU.

Wallcrawling The Future of SW's/Wallcrawling

.:Quick Links:.
:: Ruined Courtyard without Wave Beam
:: Morph Ball Bombs before Morph Ball
:: Power Bombs before Ice Beam

.:Ruined Courtyard Without Wave Beam:.
This is a journey currently in the works that utilizes Secret World 18 and the fact that the doors leading to Ruined Courtyard are only purple on one side of the door. Using what we've learned, it will be possible to head to RC without collecting Wave Beam. Unfortunately, the first part of the run is difficult. When you get into Secret World 18 and make your way over to the Courtyard Access door, there's an invisible ledge keeping you from standing on the door and being able to load the next room and dump Ice Ruins West. In the future, we will be finding a solution for this and making a new sequence break to collect the Energy Tank in Ruined Courtyard.

.:Morph Ball Bombs Before Morph Ball:.
In the past, there have been several unsuccessul voyages to collect the Morph Ball Bombs while lacking the Morph Ball upgrade. Every time we have been stumped by the nature of Burn Dome Access. There seems to be no trigger or method available to dump Energy Core and convince the game that we're headed towards Burn Dome. None of the typical Morph Ball Tunnel mechanics seem to apply to this room and it is very frustrating. Hopefully, with a bit more wallcrawling experience under our belts, we'll find a method to dump Energy Core which will allow us to enter Burn Dome and activate the cutscene to fight Incinerator Drone, without the Morph Ball. What will happen if we acquire bombs before ball? Nobody knows for sure, but it's our hope that it will eliminate the need to pick up the Morph Ball upgrade.

.:Power Bombs Before Ice Beam:.
With the unveiling of Ice Beam before Flaaghra, we've come to learn that as long as there's blue on one side of the door, it can be opened with just power beam. Now, it's become a dream of mine to be able to wallcrawl past doors which have colour on both sides, such as being able to get all the way to Central Dynamo in a Secret World state and pick up the Power Bombs without Ice Beam. If this were possible, many new possibilities for sequence breaking could open up, such as even wallcrawling throughout the whole game without picking up a single beam.

The techniques behind wallcrawling past double-coloured doors would probably be the idea of insta-dumping/insta-loading. Basically, this idea suggests that it may be possible to load the next room while simultaneously convincing the game to dump the previous room. This would allow the double-coloured door to be completely bypassed and have its room dumped without ever needing to interact with the door.

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