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Metroid, Zero Mission, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, MP: Hunters TM 1986 - 2005 Nintendo.

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Wallcrawling's Frequentky Asked Questions

For everyone looking for a quick fix...

Q: I can't get into a certain Secret World. Do you have any extra tips to help me get in?

A: I sympathize with you, there are several Secret Worlds in Metroid Prime that are extremely difficult to access. Here are a few of the more difficult ones and some extra helpful hints.

SW18 - You want to ghetto jump at the corner of the building, where the two rows of nails meet, and have your view locked downwards, so that after you ghetto jump upwards, release the L-lockto throw yourself upwards, and push into the corner where the two walls of the bulding meet.

SW17 - Lock your view downward and don't start to jump once you hit the slant, but right before it. Immediately after your ghetto upwards, move to the right and align yourself up with the gap in the wall. Release your L-lock at the peak of your first jump and throw yourself forward with the extra momentum. Hopefully you'll clear the gap.

SW6 - Basically, the best you can hope for is to get to the ledge that's closest connecting you to the far part of the room, and practise your scan dash jumps. You want to be able to release all the buttons and dash as quickly as possible. In mid-air, I suggest rotating so that Samus' feet will stick slightly outwards and might catch if you don't have sufficient distance. Remember, though, the height of the jump isn't as important as the distance, so don't rapidly push B after you scan dash. If you live in Europe or Australia and own the PAL edition, you'll need the X-ray visor to dash using one of the Flickerbats.

SW10 - When you're at what seems to be the top of the branch, you have to perform a tiny space jump up to the very tip. To do this, you'll turn a bit to the right of what seems to be the last portion that you can walk up to, and make a tiny jump to the right. if you see yourself start to fall too far, jump back onto the branch with your space jump and do this over and over again. It's a very small jump onto a very small invisible "tip" of the branch, so have patience. It's slightly to the right of the last portion of the branch that you can walk to. From the tip, all you have to do is jump left and up over, onto the ring, and it's easy bomb jumps from there.

Q: The game sometimes crashes while I'm wallcrawling from room to room. What am I doing wrong?

A: The most likely answer to your question lies in what you're doing with the states of the rooms. Remember, there's a two room limit. If you have two rooms open then try to get into a third, you will freeze up 100% of the time. Practise the door jump dump to get rid of excess rooms before you continue into the next room. If you happen to be in Landing Site or Watery Hall Access, however, these rooms seem to be extra-sensitive to wallcrawlers. Try to avoid shooting your beams at these rooms from a Secret World state, it usually takes just a few shots before the game will crash when you do this.

Q: The game won't let me float upwards! Samus gets stuck and bobs up and down. What's wrong with my game?

A: Actually, the problem lies in where you're standing. If you're underneath the room, then you'll never be able to float. Even off to the sides of some rooms, they won't allow you to go upwards. You can notice when you're not going upwards if the lines of graphic constantly clip and move up and down rapidly. When this occurs, take a few steps back and try again. There will always be a float-able portion of a room, you just have to determine how far away you have to be from the room before you can float.

Q: I'm stuck and I can't jump! How can I get unstuck?

A: Quite simply, all you have to do is bomb jump your way over to a standable wall or ledge. Usually, you will be able to see the thin lines of terrain that you can stand on while in a Secret World state. Also, any walls are standable, with no exceptions as far as my experiences have taught me. If you bomb jump yourself over to a wall, you can begin to comfortably jump again.

Q: What can I do to keep from getting stuck in a wall or stuck in Morph Ball state?

A: At all costs, you should try avoiding Morph Ball state, use it as a last resort. Sometimes, even when you are stuck and can't jump, you can inch your way forward until you hit a standable platform. I would recommend this over bomb jumping. Also, try to avoid bomb jumping your way to a location where two walls or ledges meet in a corner. These locations seem to be the spots which catch you in morph ball form and don't allow you to unmorph or get yourself out with bomb jumps. Also, I notice many people believe they're stuck when in reality, they're not. If you can't go up anymore, then let go of every button and allow yourself to fall again. This is especially true when bomb jump scaling. If you get as high as you can go, you're not stuck; just let yourself fall a bit and then unmorph and regain your bearings.

Q: Where can I contact you if I have any specific questions, problems, or suggestions?

A: If you need to e-mail me, then by all means, contact me at and I'll be glad to answer any questions or problems or suggestions you might have for me. Or, if you're feeling brave, I could use some fan mail.

Q: I think I've found a Secret World, what should I do?

A: If you think you've got one, that's great! Be sure to go to the forums and post up your findings in the "Secret World Discussion" topic. Post up your findings and instructions, and then we'll give it a number and make it official, giving you full credit for your finding.

Q: I can't complete a beginner adventure but I can easily complete some of the expert/intermediate adventures. What am I doing wrong?

A: If you're having trouble with the beginner adventures, then I suggest you go back and practise the wallcrawl from Main Plaza to Ruined Shrine. This is great for beginners and will give you the basis for the rest of your wallcrawling days. Just because you are good at floating and door warping doesn't mean you're good a good wallcrawler; start from the beginning, and work your way all the way to the tough stuff.

Q: How often will you be updating your guide for all the new findings?

A: I will be updating every weekend with all the new Secret World and wallcrawling findings. If you're waiting for any particular finding, please be patient, I will have them up as soon as I find a few spare minutes.

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