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Metroid, Zero Mission, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, MP: Hunters TM 1986 - 2005 Nintendo.

All other copyrighted materials belong to their respectful owners. This site is not affiliated with Nintendo or Retro Studios, but that doesn't mean to say that they don't love SCU.

Wallcrawling Adventures

And now that you've made it all this way, you can begin targetting certain objectives which are the basis for all of wallcrawling. You can do many amazing things with your new-found skills, and here's a little list of what you can hope to do:

.:Quick Links:.
:: Morph Ball before Missiles
:: Training Chamber Before Flaaghra
:: Gunship from SW 12
:: Burn Dome Access without Morph Ball
:: Tower of Light From SW 9

.:Morph Ball before Missiles (Beginner):.

Prerequisites: Space Jump
In order to pull off this classic secret world sequence break, make your way over to Main Plaza. Once there, you have to get to the ledge of the highest missile expansion without Grappling Beam. To do this, walk over to the wide flat ledge above the door to RSA. From here, lock your view downwards and face in the direction of the ledge. Don't contact the wall, but move just away from it. Run out and at the last second, jump and release the L-lock momentarily after jumping, then do another L-lock jump and turn and strafe onto the ledge. Don't be frustrated if you don't make it, just be sure that you're jumping at the last possible second and turning into the ledge so that Samus' feet will catch.

Once inside, walk over to the door to Ruined Shrine Access and load RSA from below and dump MP. Quickly make your way over to RS and do the same, from below, load RS and dump RSA. If you're having trouble doing it from below, get on top of the door and do the door jump dumps to make your way to RS. Now that you've done that, all that's left is to float up a little bit and space jump and push your head into the floor right around the middle of the large flat area where you fight the beetles. Eventually, you'll activate the cutscene and be respawned in the room. Simply space jump your way over the barrier and collect your prize!

And, once you want to get out of Ruined Shrine, you must collect the missile expansion above the halfpipe or else you'll be stuck in a little two-room tomb.

.:Training Chamber before Flaaghra (Expert):.

Prerequisites: Space Jump, Morph Ball, Morph Ball Bombs
This adventure was at the peak of its popularity just several weeks ago when CtrlAltDestroy was first to make it into the Training Chamber before he acquired Wave Beam. Using a route from SW 9, it is possible to get into Training Chamber and fall into the room.

First, get onto the red plant at the base of SW 9. From there, you want to perform an L-lock jump over to the platform where you can roll into Piston Tunnel. Do so, and once your map says you're inside Piston Tunnel, roll straight back out. On that platform is another standable red plant. Jump carefully onto it and then from there, jump back to the platform that has/had the missile expansion. Then, jump from the plant up the walls to the highest ledge on the wall.

Once up on the highest point, turn to the left 90 degrees and you'll see a brown rod with a chozo head on the end sticking out of the wall. Space jump directly onto that ledge. From where you're standing on the chozo head, there will be short invisible barriers on either side. On your right, though, is where you want to stand next. Simply perform a double jump, jumping straight up on your first jump and pushing up/right on your second jump. You should land on a small standable portion where Piston Tunnel will be completely visible. All you need to do is jump to the morph ball tunnel that connects MP to PT. Lock your view down and make a careful space jump to it. Once there, walk back and forth across the morph ball door and eventually, the map will change and the game will say that you're "in" PT.

Now what you have to do is use what you learned about Morph Ball Tunnel mechanics and dump MP. So, what you have to do is hop directly below PT and float on up so that you come from below. What you're aiming for is a spot between the second and third last pistons in the tunnel. Between the second and third last pistons is a spot where if you climb up and make enough contact with the room, Main Plaza will dump.

So, hop a little bit to the right from the morph ball tunnel and go as far forward as possible then pull left and try to catch yourself as high as possible without falling too far. You should get caught in a high standard of PT. From there, walk over to a comfy spot between those second and third last pistons and float up until you can space jump. Once you've floated as high as you can and you're able to space jump, make your jump and push up into the second last piston. Hopefully, you'll catch a little bit. Once you catch on the wall there, morph and bomb jump your way up until you can't get any higher. Once you've done that, allow yourself to fall back down, and you should have noticed the background go black and MP should dump! If not, keep on trying in that area, the trigger to secretize TC and dump MP is in that area.

Once you've done that, there's no easy way to climb up to the morph ball tunnel leading to TC, so your best bet is to jump off a bit, catch the highest standard, and float up over top of the MB tunnel and then walk straight onto it and wait for TC to open up. It should do this as you float up past it.

Once TC is open, you don't need to worry about dumping PT since these are the two rooms that you'll be dealing with. Hop right off the level and then wait for a long float up to the top of TC where you can fall through the open-roofed room.

Once you're standing in TC, congrats, you've made it as far possible. Try out lots of things, see if you can be the first to gather that Energy Tank!

.:Gunship from SW12 (Intermediate):.

Prerequisites- Space Jump, Morph Ball
This is just a neat little adventure that has taught us how things in a secretized room are able to be interacted with. First off, hop up onto the highest invisible ledge in Gully. From there, look straight out and perform a double L-lock jump and don't push forward too much, you want to land just over the invisible barrier. Once you've done that, go to your right so that you're standing on the rock portion of the wall. Turn back towards Landing Site and make a jump and you should start skywalking.

Walk your way over to above the door between LS and Gully, and slowly morph and unmorph your way down so that you're positioned slightly in front of the door. Shoot it, then wait for LS to load around you. Once that's done, walk away from the door and you'll notice that you're still standing in LS but the graphics will dump. Neat, huh? Now you have to use your power beam to figure out where you are and jump onto the Gunship. Once you do that, the cutscene will activate where Samus descends into her ship and you'll see different parts of the room spawn at different times. Even neater, huh??

.:Burn Dome Access without Morph Ball (Expert):.

*to be updated very soon, I'm having problems with consistency of the route*

.:Tower of Light from Secret World 9 (Intermediate):.

Prerequisites: Space Jump, Wave Beam
This is a good one to practise because it combines most of the intermediate techniques. I used this adventure as a basis for everything I've learned about Door Jumping, Skywalking, and learning about Secret Rooms.

First off, get up to the highest ledge in MP and jump across the missile expansion ledge to make it to that height of the wall. From there, lock your view down and carefully space jump down onto the RSA door. Get on top of the door and strafe into it, loading it, and then door jump dump MP. Once RSA is the only room open, it's easiest to just space jump forward and up so that you get caught in the ceiling and skywalk over to the RS door.

There, do the same, strafe into RS so it loads for you, then door jump dump RSA. From on top of the door, jump forward and you'll see what looks like a couple of wires running up the slant. Jump onto those and find yourself a comfortable standable spot. Then, turn to your right and now you're aiming for a small standable platform. From the top of the halfpipe, on the ledge where you roll into the morph ball tunnel, there is a small portion that sticks out into the Secret World that you can stand on. Jump from where you are to that ledge.

Then from there, you can easily jump up and land on top of the morph ball tunnel, and from there, just go straight up and skywalk the rest of the way to the door to TOLA. Once you get there, you'll have to drop a small distance from your skywalk and land on top of the door. Again, simply strafe into TOLA, load it, then do the door jump dump for RS. Be careful though, you may accidentally skywalk if you jump too high. So when door jump dumping, try and stick close to RS so that you won't get caught in any ceiling.

Now one thing you may notice is that TOL will not be secretized. This is usually common with larger rooms and that something about them causes them to avoid being easily secretized. So what you have to do is make your merry way over to the TOL door. Once there, shoot it with your Wave Beam and then door jump it. This will secretize TOL. Then, simply strafe into it (be patient, this room seems to hate being loaded) and then door jump dump TOLA.

Congrats! Now try and see if you can do the impossible and collect the Wavebuster without using a missile. Don't worry, it's impossible. But it never hurts to float for an hour all the way up Tower of Light!

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