Funda Gültepe

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Toledo
2801 W. Bancroft St.
Toledo, Ohio

Office: UH 3016


I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Toledo, department of Mathematics and Statistics.

I am also the executive director of MathCorps UToledo and of Super Saturdays: Data Science program for high school students.

I am one of the organizers of Buckeye metric geometry workshop as well.


This semester (Spring 2024) I'm teaching Abstract Algebra (Math 3320) and Topology


My research is partially supported by NSF grant DMS-2137611.

My research interests are in intersections of low dimensional topology and geometric group theory with emphasis on the free group, outer automorphism group Out(F_n) of free group, mapping class groups and right angled Artin groups. I am also interested in Data Science for social justice.

Above is a two copies of an embedded torus in the universal cover of double handlebody (#_n(S^2 x S^1)), and the images of purple intersection disk under a Dehn twist along this torus. The middle picture is after twisting once, the last picture is the image after twisting twice.

My research papers:

  • Normal tori in #_n( S^2xS^1), Topology Appl., 160(8):953--959,2013 , also in arxiv.
  • Fully irreducible automorphisms of the free group via Dehn twisting in #_k(S^2xS^1), Algebr. Geom. Topol., 17(3): 1375--1405, 2017, updated preprint.
  • The video of this talk.
  • An arc graph distance formula for the flip graph , with Chris Leininger . Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 145(7): 3179--3184, 2017. Preprint in arxiv.
  • A universal Cannon-Thurston map and the surviving curve complex, with Christopher J. Leininger and Witsarut Pho-on, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 9 (2022), 99–143.
  • The coarse geometry of hexagon decomposition graphs, with Hugo Parlier, arxiv preprint, submittted
  • Hyperbolicity and relative hyperbolicity of free extensions of free groups, with Pritam Ghosh. Arxiv Preprint, submitted.


  • Non-profit Turkish organization aims at teaching mathematics and philosophy to students (elementary and high school as well as graduate) in a village in beautiful Aagean coast of Turkey: Nesin Mathematics Village
  • Turkish Mathematical Society
  • Association for women in mathematics
  • Association for Turkish women in mathematics

  • Math 2860 course website
    Math 1860 course website
    Math 4340-5340 course website