Summer 2020 Math 2860 section 032

  • Midterm 1: July 2, 2020 17:30-18:30 on WebAssign .
  • Midterm 2: July 16, 2020.
  • Midterm 3: July 30, 2020. .
  • Final exam : August 6, 2020 13:00-15:00 .


    Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to contact the Dean of Students for support (Student Union 2509, 419 530 8852; Furthermore, please contact me if you are comfortable doing so. This will enable me to connect you with an array of resources available on campus.


    An introduction to the analysis and solution of ordinary differential equations with emphasis on the fun- damental techniques for solving linear differential equations.


    Below is the list of learning objectives. At least 70% of the course time will be devoted to these essential outcomes.
  • Slope Fields: Understand the relationship between slope fields and solution curves for differential equations. Use a slope field and an initial condition to estimate a solution curve to a differential equation.
  • Standard equations: Solve Firrst-order differential equations that are separable, linear or exact.
  • Other equations: Solve First-order differential equations by making the appropriate substitutions, including homogeneous and Bernoulli equations.
  • Applications: Use linear or non-linear first-order differential equations to solve application problems such as exponential growth and decay, falling objects and solution mixtures.
  • Homogeneous equations: Solve higher-order homogeneous linear equations with constant coeffi- cients.
  • Undetermined Coefficients: Solve higher-order nonhomogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients by the method of undetermined cofficients.
  • Variation of parameters: Solve higher-order nonhomogeneous linear equations by the method of variation of parameters.
  • Applications: Use linear second-order differential equations to solve application problems such as spring/mass system motion problems and three component series circuits.
  • Laplace transform: Perform operations with Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms to solve higher-order differential equations.


    You will also need WebAssign access to do the homeworks. To do so, you will need to enter the following class keys to reach the appropriate course.
    Webassign class key:
  • utoledo 2540 9427

    Overall grading: Your course grade will be based on the following: HW (%10)
    quizzes and other in-class classwork (8%)
    Midterm exams (19% each )
    comprehensive final exam (25%).
    Grade cutoffs for the final average will be as follows:

    A : 94
    A-: 90
    B+ : 86
    B : 82
    B- : 78
    C+ : 74
    C : 69
    C- : 65
    D+ : 60
    D : 55
    D-: 50

    EXAMS: There will be three midterm exams, which will be held on July 2, July 16 and July 30 and a comprehensive Final exam August 6.

    All exams will be closed book and notes, and NO calculators or other electronic devices (e.g. cell phones, iPods) will be permitted.

    Missed class policy : If circumstances occurring in accordance with The University of Toledo Missed Class Policy result in a student missing a quiz, test, exam or other graded item, the student must contact the instructor in advance by phone, e-mail or in person, provide official documentation to back up his or her absence, and arrange to make up the missed item as soon as possible. You cannot be excused from exams..

    HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned every week, online through WebAssign. Late written homework will not be accepted.

    QUIZZES: You will have typically a quiz every week, to be seen and submitted online through Blackboard. They will mostly be on Thursdays but expect to have some type of classwork anytime. Emailed solutions will not be accepted.

    WORKSHEETS: Every week you will have some type of classwork. They will mostly be on Thursdays but expect to have some type of classwork anytime. Some of these might be graded but usually they will not be graded.

    VIEWING GRADES ONLINE: You can always find the details of your worksheet, homework, and exam scores on Blackboard grades here.

    (If you see an error in this page, try using a different browser.)

    Cheating: Cheating is taken VERY seriously as it takes unfair advantage of the other students in the class. Penalties for cheating on exams, in particular, are very high, typically resulting in a 0 on the exam or an F in the class. Any act of academic dishonesty as defined by the University of Toledo policy on academic dishonesty will result in an F in the course, an zero on the assignment, or an zero on the item in question, subject to the determination of the instructor.

    Disabilities: Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations to should see me as soon as possible. In particular, any accommodation on exams must be requested at least a week in advance and will require a letter from Student Disability Services.

    HW assignments, exam solutions, etc.

    These are all posted online on the course diary.


  • Last day to add/drop: June 22, 2020.
  • Last day to withdrw: July 17,2020.

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