@Article{2009:tsarev:shem:parabolic:darboux, title = "Differential transformations of parabolic second-order operators in the plane", author = "S. Tsarev and E. Shemyakova", publisher = "MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC.", journal = "Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics", pages = "219--227", volume = "266", year = "2009", issn = "0081-5438", note = "10.1134/S0081543809030134", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S0081543809030134", affiliation = "Siberian Federal University Institute of Mathematics Svobodnyi pr. 79 Krasnoyarsk 660041 Russia", issue = "1", keyword = "Mathematics and Statistics" }