@inproceedings{2013:invariants:formulae, author = "Shemyakova, E.", booktitle = "{Geometric Methods in Physics. XXXI Workshop, BiaƂowieza, Poland, June 30 to July 6, 2012.}", editor = "{Piotr Kielanowski} and Ali, S. Twareque and Odesski, Alexander and Odzijewicz, Anatol and Schlichenmaier, Martin and Voronov, Theodore", note = "Accepted, http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.2938", series = "{Trends in Mathematics. Springer, Basel}", title = "{Invariants for {D}arboux transformations of Arbitrary Order for $D_x D_y +aD_x + bD_y +c$ }", year = "2013" }