IBBF (PT6) - Elders Access -> HOTE -> IceBeam
With Crossway dumped, turn around and walk towards the red plant on the ceiling (stange place to put a solid plant
is it not?!) and do an L-Lock SJ over it. You should now find that you are skywalking, so stroll over to the
door leading to the Halls of the Elders (HOTE). We're about to get back into the rooms proper by performing
the funky "door warp". (See screenshots below).
Walk behind the door from above until you can see it below and in front of you (once you turn around). Now
make sure that the door is at about a 60 degree angle from you and morph. As soon as you feel that you are
level with the door in front UNMORPH! You'll be floating in midair behind the door. if you find that you are
too high still, then remorph and carefully judge the unmorph. Once you are level with the door, make sure you're a
little bit behind it and shoot it. The GC will load HOTE around you in a matter of seconds. VOILA!
With you now magically back in the game proper, move forwards into Elders Access for a second THEN come back
into HOTE as the map is messed up until then. HOTE will now appear on the map. Kill the ghost as per usual and
it's now time to hone those Wall Triple Bomb Jumps (WTBJ) or 3 Bomb Jumps (3BJ). Get onto the ledge that houses
the beam slots and at the start of it there's a small section that can be stood on. Perform either a WTBJ or
a 3BJ and make your way into the tunnel without triggering the slot without spider (for now). Take down the
barrier as per usual and head to the Reflecting Pool.
I'm going to assume that you're able to do the Reflecting Pool without Boost speed trick (seeing as you've
got this far) so get on top and get that Icebeam! Then go collect the E-Tank in the HOTE with said Icebeam, all
in perperation for the infamous "Varialess Magmoor Run!".
Ice Before Flaahgra: Part 9 (4.1 Megs Zipped MPEG)
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