Course Info

Title: Math 2460, Calculus For Engineering Technology II

Section 001

Time: 5:45-7:35pm TR
Room: Memorial Field House 2910
Here's the Syllabus.pdf

Office Info

Office: University Hall 3014
Office Phone: 419.530.3253 (530 FAKE)
Hours: to be determined, and by appointment

Dates for the tests:
Test 1Thursday September 26
Test 2Thursday October 24
Test 3Thursday November 21

Info for the final:
Final Exam date: Tuesday December 10, 2024 5:00 - 7:00pm

Email me to find out about and missing quizes or tests.

Helpful stuff:
Online Calculus (and more!) Videos:
Online Graphing Calculator:
Calculus Formula Guide: PDF [710K]
Polar Graph Paper LINK