Course Info
Title: Math 1850, Single Variable Calculus I
Office: University Hall 3014
Office Phone: 419.530.3253 (530 FAKE)
Hours: MW 12:30-2:30, R 4:30-5:30
Section 060
Room: Health Sci and Humans Services 2615
Time: 11:30-12:25 MWF
Here's the Syllabus PDF
Recitation Sections 061/062
Section 021 Room: Field House 2880
Section 021 Time: 10:00-10:55 TR
Section 022 Room: Field Hosue 2840
Section 022 Time: 11:30-12:25 TR
Instructor: Indika Maheshan Ekanayaka Bandara Ekanayaka Mudiyanselage
Section 040
Room: Health Sci and Human Services 2615
Time: 2:30-3:25 MWF
Here's the Syllabus PDF
Recitation Sections 041/042
Section 041 Room: Field House 1220
Section 041 Time: 1:00-1:55 TR
Section 042 Room: Field Hosue 1220
Section 042 Time: 2:30-3:25 TR
Instructor: Kursat Yilmaz
Tentative dates for the tests:
Test 1 | February 14 |
Test 2 | March 21 |
Test 3 | April 28 |
Info for the final:
Final Exam date: Friday May 2, 2025 10:15 - 12:15am
Final Exam room: ???
Email me to find out about and missing material.
Helpful stuff:
Online Calculus (and more!) Videos:
Online Graphing Calculator: