Linear Algebra Calculators
LDU Factorization
This calculator uses Wedderburn rank reduction to find the LDU factorization of a matrix $A$. The process constructs the three matrices $L$, $D$, $U$ in stages. $L$ is constructed a column at a time, $D$ (a diagonal matrix) is constructed a diagonal entry at a time, and $U$ is constructed a row at a time.
At each stage you'll have an equation $A=LDU+B$ where you start with $L$, $D$, $U$ nonexistent, and with $B=A$.
- Choose an entry $\beta$ in $B$ as described below.
- The next column of $L$ is $c$, the column of $B$ that contains the entry $\beta$.
- The next row of $U$ is $r$, the row of $B$ that contains the entry $\beta$.
- The next diagonal entry of $D$ is $d=1/\beta$.
Eventually $B=0$ and $A=LDU$.
The only difference between this factorization and the usual LU factorization is that the $L$ in the LU factorization is the product $LD$ for the $L$ and $D$ found here.
- Gaussian Elimination
- Choose $\beta$ to be the first (from the top) nonzero element in the first (from the left) nonzero column of $B$.
- Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting
- Choose $\beta$ to be the largest (in absolute value) element in the first (from the left) nonzero column of $B$.
- Gaussian Elimination with Complete Pivoting
- Choose $\beta$ to be the largest (in absolute value) element in the entire matrix $B$.
Either choose a size and press this button to get a randomly generated matrix, or enter your matrix in the box below. (Look at the example to see the format.)
Matrix $A$:
Select a column number.
Select a row number.
Update $L$, $D$, $U$ and $B$.
The reset button leaves the $A$ matrix alone, but reinitializes $L$, $D$, $U$ and $B$.
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