from __future__ import division import string import plottools, stringtools LOWER = string.ascii_lowercase UPPER = string.ascii_uppercase LETTER= string.letters def stripPunc(text): """ This strips all punctuation from 'text'. """ return filter(lambda c : c in LETTER, text) def stripRepeats(text): """ This strips all reapeats from 'text'. """ return "".join([ c for (k,c) in enumerate(text) if c not in text[:k]]) def showVigenere(): print " "+" ".join(list(LOWER)) print " "+"-"*51 for k in range(26): text = UPPER[k:]+UPPER[:k] print " "+" ".join(list(text)) def showAlberti(key,shift=0): key = key.lower() + LOWER key = stringtools.stripDups(key) key = key[shift:] + key[:shift] print " "+" ".join(list(key)) print " "+"-"*51 for k in range(26): text = UPPER[k:]+UPPER[:k] print " "+" ".join(list(text)) def showMixed(plainkey="",cipherkey="",plainshift=0,ciphershift=0,sorted=False): plain = stringtools.stripDups(plainkey.lower()+LOWER) plain = plain[plainshift:]+plain[:plainshift] cipherkey = stringtools.stripDups(cipherkey.upper()) N = len(cipherkey) cipher = stringtools.stripDups(cipherkey+UPPER) cipherLst = stringtools.breakIntoCols(cipher,N) cipher = "".join(cipherLst) cipher = cipher[ciphershift:]+cipher[:ciphershift] if sorted: print " "+" ".join(list(LOWER)) else: print " "+" ".join(list(plain)) print " "+"-"*51 for k in range(26): text = cipher[k:]+cipher[:k] if sorted: ztxt = zip(plain,text) ztxt.sort() text = "".join([c for (p,c) in ztxt]) print " "+" ".join(list(text)) def vigenere(key, pt): """ This implements a Vigenere encipherment of the plaintext 'pt' using 'key' as the key. """ # Make 'pt' lowercase and strip out all punctuation. pt = stripPunc(pt.lower()) # Make 'key' lower case and strip out repetitions # and punctuation. key = stripRepeats(stripPunc(key.lower())) # Convert the strings 'key' and 'pt' to lists of # indices (in LOWER) of the characters. keyLst = [ string.index(LOWER, c) for c in key ] ptLst = [ string.index(LOWER, c) for c in pt ] # We'll need the length of the 'key'. N = len(key) # We'll construct a list consisting of the indices # (in UPPER) of the cipher text letters. ctLst = [] for i,x in enumerate(ptLst): j = i % N y = (x+keyLst[j]) % 26 ctLst.append(y) # Convert the list of indices into a string. # This is our cipher text. return "".join([ UPPER[y] for y in ctLst ]) def revVigenere(key, CT): """ This implements a Vigenere decipherment of the ciphertext 'CT' using 'key' as the key. """ # Make 'CT' uppercase and strip out all punctuation. CT = stripPunc(CT.upper()) # Make 'key' upper case and strip out repetitions # and punctuation. #key = stripRepeats(stripPunc(key.upper())) key = stripPunc(key.upper()) # Convert the strings 'key' and 'pt' to lists of # indices (in UPPER) of the characters. keyLst = [ string.index(UPPER, c) for c in key ] CTLst = [ string.index(UPPER, c) for c in CT ] # We'll need the length of the 'key'. N = len(key) # We'll construct a list consisting of the indices # (in LOWER) of the plain text letters. ptLst = [] for i,x in enumerate(CTLst): j = i % N y = (x-keyLst[j]) % 26 ptLst.append(y) # Convert the list of indices into a string. # This is our cipher text. return "".join([ LOWER[y] for y in ptLst ])