""" ciphertools.py c odenthal 2005/05/30 This module contains some cryptanalysis functions. """ from __future__ import division import counts, stringtools, datatools def kappa(T1,T2): """ Computes the 'Incidence of Coincidence' for the two strings 'T1' and 'T2'. That is, we count the number of positions where 'T1' and 'T2' have the same character, and then we divide by the length of the shortest string. """ zLst = zip(T1,T2) M = len(zLst) match = lambda (x,y) : x==y mLst = filter(match,zLst) return len(mLst)/M def phi(T): """ Computes phi(T) for the string 'T'. This is defined as phi(T) = sum_{1:26} (m_i)(m_i - 1)/(M(M-1)) where M is the number of letters in T, and m_i is the number of times that the ith letter of the alphabet occurs in T. """ # Get a dictionary containing the letter freqencies in 'T'. # Non alphabetic characters are ignored. freqDct = stringtools.letterFreq(T) # Get to total number of letters in 'T'. M = sum(freqDct.values()) # Compute the summands in the numerator. fL = [ m*(m-1) for m in freqDct.values() ] # Get the sum and compute 'phi'. return sum(fL)/(M*(M-1)) def chi(T1,T2): """ Computes chi(T1,T2) for the two strings 'T1' and 'T2'. This is defined as chi(T,T') = sum_{1:26} p_i p_i' where p_i is the probability of the occurence of the ith letter in T. Similarly for T' and p_i'. """ # Get the dictionaries with keys the uppercase letters and # values the probabilities p_i. pD1 = stringtools.letterProb(T1) pD2 = stringtools.letterProb(T2) # Form the list of probability products p_i p_i' ppL = [ p*pD2.get(k,0) for (k,p) in pD1.items() ] # Form the sum return sum(ppL) def psi(T): """ Computes psi(T)=chi(T,T). """ return chi(T,T) def chiStandard(T): """ Computes chi(T,S) for the string 'T' and the standard English alphabet 'S'. This is defined as chi(T,T') = sum_{1:26} p_i p_i' where p_i is the probability of the occurence of the ith letter in T. Similarly for S and p_i'. """ # Get the dictionaries with keys the uppercase letters and # values the probabilities p_i. pD1 = stringtools.letterProb(T) pD2 = counts.englishLetterProb # Form the list of probability products p_i p_i' ppL = [ p*pD2.get(k,0) for (k,p) in pD1.items() ] # Form the sum return sum(ppL) def kappaTest(T,k): """ Computes kappa(T,T') where T' is T shifted left k spaces. """ return kappa(T,T[k:]+T[:k]) def chiTest(T,k): """ Computes chi(T,T') where T' is obtained from T by shifting the alphabet of T left k spaces. """ pD = stringtools.letterProb(T) for c in stringtools.UPPERCASE: pD.setdefault(c,0) pL1 = datatools.sortByValue(pD) pL2 = pL1[k:] + pL1[:k] pL1 = [p for (k,p) in pL1] pL2 = [p for (k,p) in pL2] ppL = [p*q for (p,q) in zip(pL1,pL2)] return sum(ppL) def phiTest(T1,T2): """ Computes phi(T) where T is the sum of T1 and T2. """ return phi(T1+T2) def phiAvg(TLst): """ Computes the average of phi(T) for T in TLst """ phiLst = map(phi,TLst) return sum(phiLst)/len(phiLst) def testKasiski(T,k): """ Finds repeated patterns in T. """ M=len(T) for i in range(M-k): s = T[i:i+k] if T.count(s)>1: print i,s def compare(T1,T2): z = zip(T1,T2) for (i,(x,y)) in enumerate(z): if x != y: print i,x,y