# CSVread & CSVsearch v 29/Jan/2005
# ?1999-2005 EZscripting.com
# Script by Alexandre Golovkine
# Template brackets are now [[fieldname]]
my $CSV_file = "database.txt";
my $HTML_template = "temp1.html";
my $no_matches_found = "Sorry, no results found";
my $ID_use = 0;
my $ID_field_name = "ID";
# EZscripting.com ?1999 - 2005
# The scripts are available for private and commercial use
# Once purchased this script can be used in any website you build personally
# You may not sell the script in any format to anybody
# The scripts may only be distributed by EZscripting.com
# Do not post or email all or part of the this code in any form whatsoever
# The redistribution of modified versions of the scripts is prohibited
# EZscripting.com accepts no responsibility or liability
# whatsoever for any damages however caused when using our services or scripts
# By downloading and using this script you agree to the terms and conditions
#%FORM = parse_cgi();
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
(my $head, my $tmp, my $foot) = get_html($HTML_template);
##read db
my @data = read_file($CSV_file);
chomp $data[0];
my @fields= split('\|', shift @data);
$base_length = @data;
error("You have bad file!") if !@fields;
error("Database is clear!") if $base_length<1;
if($qs =~m/header=([^\&\Z]*)/){push @header,$1;}
if($ID_use && $qs =~m/show=([^\&\Z]*)/){
@data = search($1,$ID_field_name);
my $a=0;
foreach (@conditions){
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $_);
if($name eq 'search'){
$FORM{search} = $value;
@data = search($value, $header[0]);
elsif($name eq 'header'){}
elsif($_=~/([^=<>!]+)!=([^=<>!]+)/){@data = search($value, $1, "!=");}
elsif($_=~/([^=<>!]+)=([^=<>!]+)/){@data = search($value, $1);}
my $result;
##matched data
@line = split('\|', $_);
$a=0; %INSERT=();
foreach(@fields){$INSERT{$_} = $line[$a++];}
$INSERT{'#_matches'} = @data;
$INSERT{'#_total'} = $base_length;
$result = $no_matches_found."
" unless @data;
print get_record($head), $result, get_record($foot);
undef $result; undef $head; undef $foot;
sub search{
my $word=shift;
my $field=shift;
my $action=shift;
$word=~tr/+/ /;
$word=~s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C",hex($1))/eg;
my $position=-1;
my $a=0;
$field=~tr/+/ /;
$field=~s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C",hex($1))/eg;
foreach(@fields){$position=$a if $_ eq $field; $a++;}
my %match;
$word =~s/ +/ /g;
my @new_data=();
my @keys= split(" ", $word);
if($action eq '!='){for(0..@data-1){$match{$_} = 1;}}
foreach $key (@keys){
foreach $record (@data){
@line = split('\|', $record);
if($field && $position>-1){
if($action eq '!='){
$match{$a} = 0 if $line[$position]=~m/\Q$key/i;
else{$match{$a} = 1 if $line[$position]=~m/\Q$key/i;}
foreach(@line){if ($_=~m/\Q$key/i){$match{$a} = 1; last;}}
$a=0; my $b=0;
$new_data[$b++] = $_ if $match{$a};
return @new_data;
sub get_record{
my $text = $_[0];
$text =~ s{\[\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]\]}{exists($INSERT{$1}) ? $INSERT{$1} : ""}gsex;
return $text;
sub get_html{
my @txt = read_file($_[0]);
my $txt;
error("Template-tag not found!") if !$1 or !$2;
return ($1,$2,$3);
sub read_file{
open(F, $_[0]) || error("Can't open file $_[0]!");
my @data = ;
close F;
return @data;
sub error{
print "Error$style
# EZscripting.com ?1999 - 2005
# The scripts are available for private and commercial use
# Once purchased this script can be used in any website you build personally
# You may not sell the script in any format to anybody
# The scripts may only be distributed by EZscripting.com
# Do not post or email all or part of the this code in any form whatsoever
# The redistribution of modified versions of the scripts is prohibited
# EZscripting.com accepts no responsibility or liability
# whatsoever for any damages however caused when using our services or scripts
# By downloading and using this script you agree to the terms and conditions